Monday 21 November 2011

Laundromat dryer vent cleaning

A new customer called this week and asked for his dryer vents to be cleaned. He had a laundromat with machines that keep over heating.When I went down to take a look right away I knew what the problem was.
Around the door that leads behind the dryers was a coat of lint. When the door was opened lint was covering everything. 
Why would lint behind the dryers matter?
A dryer sucks in air heats it and expels the air. If the source of air is dirty or contains lint you have a dangerous situation. Lint is flammable. If lint is sucked into your heat source then it is quite possible you could have a fire on your hands. Lint will also collect around the air intake vents. This will reduce the amount of air coming into the dryer. The heating element with out air flow will just continue to get hotter. The dryer in turn gets hotter. The computer heats up. The wiring heats up. The drum rollers heat up. The belts and motors heat up. Your dryer starts to break down and expensive repairs follow or total replacement. 
Now that might seem dramatized. Think for a second about your car. When your car over heats why do you pull over right away let it cool down and then either get it towed or limp it to the shop. Because you know that you are in for major repairs if you don't figure what is making your car overheat. It is cheaper to do the regular servicing then to have too pay for an engine overhaul. Dryers are the same. You keep your dryer exhaust vents clean. You maintain the area around your vents and have regular (every six months) dryer exhaust vent cleaning your machines won't need replacing or major overhauls.
Clear Vent dryer vent cleaning

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